Sunday, October 5, 2008

C.I.P. Graduation Service, Lake Havasu

What a touching service. There were two gradutes from the Christian Intervention Program at Christ Alive in Lake Havasu: Dave and Janey.
This is Bro. Micheal Buxton about to give Dave and Janey their graduation certificates.
After receiving thier certificates, the church joined together in prayer for them. It was powerful!
Me preaching...
Golden Corral after service...the best part!
Thanks Bro. Buxton for the invitation and the hospitality.


Just a thought said...

Great pictures. Trusting all went well. Even a Golden Corral! I can only imagine your reaction. Was glad to look out and see you made it home safely.

Aunt Virginia

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed having you visit with us this past Sunday. You were a distinct blessing both with your singing and with your ministry. Thank you again.

Sandrakaye said...

This is a really good picture.